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Origami A Simple Unicorn making guide

by Perry Bailey


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Turn over

Reverse fold

Rabbit ear both flaps 5 fold model in half.

3 rabbit ear fold

Reverse fold

With many thanks to George Rhodes, For giving me the idea for this model, from his bull, printed in “The Art of Origami” By Samuel Randlett. I made this Model for my daughter Erralee Who had trouble with more complex Unicorns.

8 Reverse fold


This model is placed in the public domain. and may be used, copied, folded, spindled, and mutilated, At your discretion.

My only request is if you print or publish it, please credit me for the design, and if possible send me a copy of the publication.

P. Bailey 6-26-1997

2 Reverse folds to make head and horn

Reverse fold

11. Finished


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